Frequently Asked Questions
Ellen Turney, D.D.S.
"Providing Quality Dental Care to the Conway Area"
I have an abscessed tooth, what should I do?
I have silver fillings, could they be causing health problems?
Why do I have to take antibiotics before I get dental treatment, if I have a heart murmur, or took Phen-Fen?
Why should I take my toddler off the "bottle" or sippy cup?
I've got bad breath. What causes it and what can I do?
What can I do about my dry mouth?
When should my baby start to get teeth?
I've got my lip or tounge pierced, could this affect my teeth?
I'm pregnant. How will this affect my teeth?
I think I grind or clench my teeth. What should I do?
What is "TMJ" and how do I know if I have it?
Why do I need my wisdom teeth out? They aren't hurting.
My child sucks their thumb. Is that bad for their teeth?
It's just a baby tooth. Why should we worry about saving it?
Put your cursor on the question, click for the answer.
I've heard about "same day" crowns. What is that?
- Dentist Directory & Web Pages. Find a Dentist in Another area.
What is "gum" or "periodontal" disease and how can I prevent it?
If you have questions that are not answered within our website, please contact us, either by phone or e-mail.