Ellen Turney, D.D.S.
"Providing Quality Dental Care to the Conway Area"
There is currently a push for, what I call, "Fast Food" dentistry. It is my belief that quality should always be at the forefront of my consideration in choosing which new technologies to incorporate into my practice. I have found that the "quickest" way is rarely the "best" way. You may have seen or heard about "same day" crowns, which are now available in some dental offices. I recently had an in-office demonstration of this process performed by the company which sells this equipment. I was less than impressed with the technology and do not see this as a time-saving, quality alternative for my patients. I have read many comments and participated in discussions with dentists all over the United States about this subject. It certainly seems to be the consensus opinion that this technology is not quite as "user friendly" as I would like to see in order for me to feel comfortable presenting it to my patients as an alternative treatment, at this time. Technology does improve with time, and I suspect this will be the case with this procedure. I have already had to replace several of these "same day" crowns on my patients who received them before relocating into this area. The patients that I see that have these "same day" crowns complain about the "rough" surface and extraordinary length of time it took to have the procedure performed. Based on this feedback, I will continue to monitor this process and I certainly will incorporate this into my practice when I feel that I could perform this service to meet the standards that I require when choosing materials to use on my patients. I am not suggesting that you should not receive this service at any other dental clinic. I am personally uncomfortable with my ability to achieve the results that I would demand in performing this service in it's current form.